Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Finding Dinosaurs

 October is National Dinosaur month so along with doing Halloween things we have also done a few things with dinosaurs. This was a great way to recycle my dad's coffee grounds. Mix them with flour, salt, sand, and water and it will make some pretty sturdy rocks. Inside each rock was a mini dinosaur. I have never done these before so I didn't know how hard they would get and man were they hard to break but the girls never gave up and they were each so excited to find their dinosaur.

Playing in the Wind

It was a beautiful fall day and the wind was blowing and there were a ton of leaves on the ground. We all had a great time throwing the leaves in the air and making a big pile to jump in.

These are just a few of the fun pictures from preschool with some of the crafts they have made a few of the different things they enjoy doing.
Our cute paper pumkin crafts

They enjoy capturing each other with the hula hoops

Working on their worksheets

To end the month of September and our month on farming we read the story of The Little Red Hen. After reading the story we made bread in a bag. We put everything in the bag and then mashed it all together. The bread didn't really turn out all that well but the girls enjoyed the attempt of making bread.

I wanted to give the girls the opportunity to plant something, so we planted daffodils. They were able to dig in the dirt and bury they daffodil bulbs. I hope they like it they sure were smiling the whole time. I can't wait to see these flowers bloom in the spring.

To go along with farming we did corn today. I fixed popcorn for their snack and I had no idea how big of a hit that would be. Instead of putting the extra popcorn on their paper corn cob they ate it. In all they ate a bag and a half of popcorn. I think I will have to surprise them with popcorn again.

September we spent a lot of time on farming and things that deal with farming. Today we learned about apples and since there are a few apples tress out back we went and picked a few apples and had them with snacks.
The girls loved seeing who could find the biggest apple and if they could find a worm hole in them.